February 2024 Newsletter
Principal's Report
Queensland Police Pipes and Drums
Recently, the wonderful Queensland Police Pipes and Drums visited our school. Our students were amazed at such talented musicians.
We thank the Qld Police for visiting and giving their time for our students.
We will be welcoming Senior Constable Jarrod Brown to our school as our new Adopt-a-Cop. We are hoping that Jarrod will be able to attend some of our Friday morning assemblies and events throughout the year. Our goal is that our students view our police as people that help us in the community and to form a positive connection.
With the wonderful advances of technology comes the impact on our children. Our students are reporting more time spent on devices at home and less time doing things like riding their bikes or playing. I have noticed an increase in students that seem sleep deprived, emotional and less attentive. There is now a lot of new research into the link between students and screen time before bed.
Studies indicate that screen time before bed can increase the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, reduce sleep quality, and affect attentiveness the following day. In the long term, nightly exposure to light in the evening may increase the risk of certain sleep disorders.
“The impact of sleep quality/duration on child growth and well-being has been extensively studied. Sleep is fundamental to optimal functioning during childhood, including health, development, cognition, and behaviour. Numerous studies have established that poor sleep is associated with behavioural and emotional problems in childhood and adolescence. Poor sleep quality is highly prevalent in children with behavioural or emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Poor sleep quality, in turn, can also compromise mental and physical functioning. Solidifying a link between technology use at bedtime and poor sleep quality, can serve as a point of intervention to correct sleep patterns and encourage effective childhood development”.
I have put a link for you to read more about the impacts of technology on children and the addiction to technology that can start now.
Some helpful tips for parents can include:
- No devices in the bedroom. This creates a bedroom atmosphere conducive to rest.
- Having a consistent night-time routine. For younger children, develop a bedtime routine that includes between half to one hour of quiet activities before bed, such as the three Bs routine - bath, book, bed. This will set them up with good habits as they get older.
- Balancing kids’ daily screen time with exercise and outdoor time helps tire them out physically to ensure deep sleep.
- Setting a down time for their technology. Have the devices go on charge at a specified time each night, in a public spot in the house. Not only is this good for sleep routines but it ensures that the devices aren’t in the bedroom for the wee hours of the night when cyberbullying is most likely to occur.
I would like to thank the outgoing P&C Executives for a rewarding year. Congratulations to the incoming excutives for 2024.
- President: Katie Vincent
- Vice President: Kate Primmer
- Secretary: Nikki Primmer
- Treasurer: Brooke McCall
Easter Hat Parade
This year we will be having an Easter Hat Parade for Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students. We welcome all families to the Basketball Court on Thursday 28 March 2024 at 2.00pm. Please note that all students wil be making their Easter Hats during class time so there is no need for parents to buy or make a hat. It is a free dress day for all students across the school with a gold coin donation for the Students Council.
USQ Student Teachers Visiting
During the rest of Term 1, we will be having some USQ practicum students visiting our school. They will be working in the Prep, Year 1, Year 2/3 and Year 4/5 classes. Our teachers will be supervising at all times as we support the next wave of teachers learning the craft.
The Top Oval
We have received notice from Ipswich West Special School, that due to their increasing enrolments they require an extra building to accommodate their students. This means that a new building will be placed on the special school's side of the oval near their current ramp. An entrance will be created for trucks and a crane, off Kennedy Street during this time which will include a fence on the oval, limiting the space for our students. The work is intended for completion by Term 2. We have relayed the impact that poses on our school for sporting events and also any potential soccer matches to Regional Infrastructure, however it is a shared space and the first priority to ensure the safety of students and staff. Region has made a commitment to support our need to upgrade our current Basketball Court to a multi-purpose court after the financial year. They are also working with an architect to create ramps around our school to assist our students and parents that require disability access to our school.
Ipswich City Council Leaders Day
Last Friday, I had the honour of accompanying our School Captains to the Ipswich City Council Chambers. We were invited by Mayor Theresa Harding and The Hon Milton Dick MP Speaker of the House of Representatives, to participate in the Speaker’s Ipswich Civics Program. Our captains sat in the Ipswich City Council Chambers and learnt about our three levels of parliament and the important roles they play in our society. Afterwards we were treated to a delicious morning tea.
- Sharyn Brown
Ipswich City Council Leaders Day
Head of Department (Curriculum)
NAPLAN is a standard test that is taken by all students nationwide in Years 3, 5 and 7. This year the NAPLAN test will take place between Wednesday 13 March and Monday 18 March. It is important due to our schedule that your child/children are at school on the NAPLAN days and on time. Catch up tests will run for absent students until Monday 25 March 2024.
Below you will find the NAPLAN schedule for Ipswich West State School.
If your child is currently receiving adjustments to support their learning, you may receive a Record of Adjustments for NAPLAN form, for you to sign and return. These adjustments may include scheduled rest breaks or extra time. I kindly ask that you send these forms back signed by the date.
NAPLAN tests are a routine part of the school calendar. However, students may be withdrawn from the testing program by their parent/carer. This is a matter for consideration by individual parents/carers in consultation with the school. A formal application, which can be sent from Mrs Winrow, needs to be submitted to the school before by Friday 8 March 2024.
Parent/Carer Teacher Interviews
Parent/Carer Teacher Interviews facilitate open communication between educators and parents/carers, to support students' academic and social/emotional growth. These sessions provide valuable insights into your child/children’s progress and allow for discussions on areas of improvement and strategies for success.
Interviews will be held on Wednesday 27 March 2024 between 3.20pm and 6.20pm.
Login information to access the Parent/Carer Teacher Interviews Booking System will be send out on Thursday 29 February, with the booking system being open between Monday 4 and Thursday 21 March 2024.
Curriculum Planning Days
Teachers will engage in Curriculum Planning Days in the next few weeks. Curriculum Planning Days offer teachers dedicated time for Professional Development and collaborative planning, enhancing their instructional strategies and content knowledge. During these sessions, our teachers engage in brainstorming and designing new units, assessment tasks and marking guides, aligning with Australian Curriculum V9, ensuring the delivery of engaging and effective lessons that meet the needs of our learners.
Go Blue for Autism Day
Ipswich West State School will be celebrating GO Blue for Autism Day on Monday 25 March 2024. Go Blue for Autism Day encourages students to wear blue clothes (Sunsafe appropriate clothing - no crop tops/midrifs, singlets, thongs) and accessories to support individuals with autism, fostering inclusivity and raising awareness. By wearing blue attire, students demonstrate solidarity and promote understanding, creating a school environment that values diversity and celebrates neurodiversity.
Book Club
Students were given the latest issue of the Scholastic Book Club to take home. Book Club gives students the opportunity to build their personal library but also helps to fund books purchased for our school library. A reminder that Book Club is to be ordered using the online ordering system only, no cash is taken at school for this. The cut off for orders with this issue is Wednesday 13 March 2024.
- Kaylee Sullivan
Student Engagement Teacher
We are thrilled to share some highlights from our recent student engagement initiatives! At the core of our behavioural focus lies a commitment to fostering an environment where everyone has the opportunity to learn and thrive.
Embracing a Culture of Learning
Our school community has been dedicated to the principle of allowing others to learn. Through respectful behaviour and a supportive atmosphere, we ensure that every individual feels valued and empowered in their educational journey.
Welcoming our Adopt – A - Cop
It was a privilege to welcome Jarrod to our school community, on Tuesday afternoon as he visited all our classrooms to meet our students. He is looking forward to being involved in more of our school events throughout the year. His presence not only strengthens our commitment to safety but also fosters positive relationships between law enforcement and our students. We look forward to the enriching interactions and collaborative efforts ahead.
Student Leaders Forum
We're proud to announce that our Student Leaders will be attending the upcoming Student Leaders Forum with Mrs Hanrahan and Ms Carlotta on Wednesday 27 March 2024. This event serves as a platform for our young leaders to exchange ideas, cultivate leadership skills and contribute to positive change within our school and beyond. We anticipate their active participation and meaningful contributions.
This Weeks School Behaviour
I am Staying Safe when I keep my hands, feet and objects to myself!
- Kellie Hanrahan
Edward T. Hall created the concept of “The Cultural Iceberg” in 1976 and in this idea he explained that language and culture is only visible by approximatley 10% at any time. The other 90% is hidden beneath the surface like an iceberg.
So while it may seem that in Japanese class I am only teaching hiragana, katakana, kanji, grammar, spelling, and punctuation etc, I am actually teaching much more.
On the surface, above the waterline, in Japanese we learn about the geography of Japan, food, festivals, fashion, music, holidays, language, games, arts and crafts etc.
However, under the surface there is a lot more to their culture.
All of these things are quite different in Japan to Australia:
- Communication styles and rules: how to give and receive, hand gestures, tone of voice, body language, personal space, eye contact.
- Notions of courtesy and manners, cleanliness, modesty and beauty.
- Attitudes towards others like elders, and attitudes to work and authority.
- Approaches to marriage and religion.
So while we learn we are also gaining knowledge of what is under the iceberg.
Do we have the same personality when we speak in other languages? That’s a question for next time…
- Tamasine Collins
Physical Education
Cross Country
Our annual whole school Cross Country will be on Tuesday 26 March 2024. Events starts at 8.50am on the top oval. We welcome all parents, carers and families to come and cheer for your child/ren. The louder the better!
The course will be a little different from previous years due to the construction, but will still be a great event.
- Jack Warner
P & C
Annual General Meeting
We would like to welcome our new Executive Members:
- President: Katie Vincent
- Vice President: Kate Primmer
- Secretary: Nikki Primmer
- Treasurer: Brooke McCall
Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop opening hours are Fridays 8.45am to 9.15am or by appointment only.
We have some shirts (old stock) available if any families would be interested for free. Students can wear these shirts for this year only, as the new shirts will be the school expectation for 2025.
School Jackets: Please email your expression of interest to 0366_PandC@eq.edu.au.
Shorts/Skorts: Once we have sold out of school shorts and skorts, we will not be stocking any more. If you require a special order, please email to 0366_PandC@eq.edu.au.
We are looking for volunteers in upcoming events. Please send an email if interested in assisting in anyway 0366_PandC@eq.edu.au.
- Ipswich West P&C
Student Wellbeing Worker
Kops in Kilts Performance
On Wednesday 14 February, we welcomed the Queensland Police Pipes and Drums Band (QPP&D) to perform for our students. QPP&D not only provide world-class entertainment, but is a powerful asset in strengthening and maintaining positive and inclusive relationships between the QPS and our diverse communities.
The students and staff loved the performance and it was a great start to the day.
FairPlay Vouchers
Parents, carers and guardians can now apply for a FairPlay Voucher valued at $150, which can be used for sporting and active recreation membership and participation fees. It is limited at 1 child per calendar year and is available to those in a registered activity provider. https://www.qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding/fairplay/apply)
Volunteering Ipswich
Ipswich City Council is proud to have over 300 valued volunteers who contribute significantly to many of Council's programs and services.
Volunteering can be a highly rewarding experience with a number of benefits:
- Learn, develop new skills, knowledge and experiences;
- Build confidence;
- Forge new friendships;
- Improve your communication skills;
- Work in a creative, fun and flexible environment;
- Give back to the community and know that you are playing a part in helping and supporting the community.
Follow this link to the Volunteering Portal: https://app.betterimpact.com/PublicEnterprise/3699634a-f31c-445f-b1c2-6bf0cdee8d1f
Ipswich Community Directory
Ipswich Community Directory is an online platform, designed to give Ipswich residents information on a range of support networks, including financial aid; food relief; advocacy; housing, multicultural support; mental health; family support and so much more - https://www.mycommunitydirectory.com.au/Queensland/Ipswich/Welfare_Assistance___Services?PageNo=1
Triple P Parenting Courses – Now Free in Australia
Build a closer bond and help children reach their potential. You want to support your child’s development, grow closer and solve problems – positively. Now you can do the parenting program, developed in Australia and used around the world. It’s backed by research, proven by parents and it’s free!
Choose what works for you and partners and other family members can also do Triple P, so everyone’s on the same page and there’s less conflict.
- Interactive, easy to use online programs with videos and activities and a downloadable workbook
- Each module only takes an hour or less and you can do just a few minutes at a time
- Available anytime, at your place, at your pace!
There are three programs, including: Triple P online for baby, for parents/carers to be or with a baby under 12 months old; Triple P online for parents/carers of children under 12 and Fear-Less Triple P online for parents/carers of children (6+) who are often anxious.
Start your free program today: www.triplep-parenting.net.au
What’s On In Ipswich
Looking for some awesome family friendly activities in Ipswich? Follow this link to the Discover Ipswich guide - https://www.discoveripswich.com.au/whats-on/
- Carlotta Graham