December 2024 Newsletter
Principal's Report
As we reach the end of the 2025 school year, I have taken the opportunity to reflect on what has been an incredible journey since I joined the Ipswich West community. From my very first day, I have been overwhelmed by the warmth, kindness, and genuine sense of community that defines our school. Thank you for making me feel so welcomed and for your ongoing support this term. I am very much so looking forward to all of the exciting things we have planned for 2025. After a rest, of course.
I would like to acknowledge our amazing staff, whose dedication and commitment to our students’ success and wellbeing have been truly admirable. As happens in schools, there were many staffing changes this year which can be disruptive. I am so proud of the way everyone worked together to ensure that our school remained a place of learning, growth, and care. Thank you for all that you do.
Wild Wild West
Thanks to those who joined us for our end of year concert, 'Wild Wild West'. I'm sure you will agree that it was a whole lot of fun and a really lovely way to celebrate the end of the year. I am so thankful for a committed staff who invested significant amounts time into planning performances, costumes and the banner. Thanks must also go to Mrs Winrow who organised for the whole school to have a lunch treat of a baked potato, corn on a cob and baked beans. The stars of the show, our students, were just amazing!
At the end of this year, we farewell Mrs Kellie Hanrahan, Mrs Sarah Richards, Mrs Kim Drice and Mrs Annie Munster. Mrs Sandy Hicks will be taking a classroom teacher position at Tivoli State School for 2025, so our goodbye to Mrs Hicks is a ‘goodbye for now’. We wish these ladies all the very best in their new schools. They are so valued by our community and will be missed. I would also like to acknowledge and thank our teacher aides whose contracts will end on the last day of school this year. We are so pleased that they will continue to be part of our community in casual or contract roles as they arise in 2025.
Our 2025 classroom teaching staffing is as follows:
Prep | Mrs Emilee Carberry |
Prep/1 | Miss Emily Arnold |
Yr 1/2 | Mrs Kim Lam |
Yr 2 | Ms Jade Horstman |
Yr 3 | Mrs Therese Hayden |
Yr 3/4 | Miss Sumona Dutta |
Yr 4/5 | Mrs Brie Fenton |
Yr 5 | Mrs Nereece Markert |
Yr 6 | Mrs Ashleigh Jolley |
HPE | Mr Jack Warner |
Japanese | Ms Tamasine Collins |
Music | Mrs Linsey Sullivan |
Our final enrolments and staffing will be confirmed on Day 8 in 2025.
At our recent awards ceremony, we announced the 2025 school leaders. They will be inducted as our school leaders early next year.
School Captains | Indianna W and Addison L |
Sturt House Captains | Owen M and Mia K |
Mitchell House Captain | Elyssa P |
Sustainability Captain | Hanna A |
Important Facilities Updates
We have significant works taking place at our school commencing Friday 6 December. We acknowledge that some of these works are disruptive, however they could not take place during the school holidays, and we did not want to delay the works to later in 2025. Some short-term pain for exciting new improvements.
- The delivery of the classroom modules for the special school will take place on Friday 6 December. There will be no access to the oval on this day.
- The basketball refurbishment will commence on Monday 9 December. The basketball court will be completely closed during this time while the demolition and removal of the current court occurs. As a result of the court being closed, all boys will utilise the toilets in the junior school area and all girls will utilise the upper school toilets. There will also be no access to the oval. We will schedule play breaks so that students are able to play in the undercover area, junior playground and oval. The pick-up and drop-off zone on Omar Street will still be utilised. Access from the undercover area to the remainder of the school will be through the garden and stairs behind the staffroom.
- The admin courtyard upgrade was due to commence on Monday 9 December, but they have started early! There will be some disruption outside the administration building during this time.
- On Tuesday and Wednesday (11 – 12 December) our current flagpole will be removed and new flag poles installed so that we can proudly fly the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags alongside the Australian flag every day.
- Weather permitting, we are also expecting an Indigenous artist to be onsite next week to commence painting the totem poles and the seating in the junior courtyard.
We appreciate that these significant works may cause disruption and value your understanding that we have worked hard to balance the commencement of works until after formal teaching and learning for the year ended.
Week 11
Just a reminder for families that we have an additional week of school this year. There will be no formal teaching and learning during this time, and supervision of students will be timetabled so that we can release staff to plan and prepare for 2025. If your child is going to be absent, please notify the office as per usual procedure.
As we prepare to close for the Christmas holidays, I want to take a moment to celebrate our departing Year 6 students. Congratulations on completing your primary school journey! We are so proud of all you’ve achieved and wish you every success and happiness as you begin high school. Remember, you’ll always be a part of the Ipswich West community. For those families who may be moving on at the end of this year, please notify the school office as soon as possible if your child will not be returning in 2025. This helps us with planning and ensuring the best start for all students in the new year.
Finally, on behalf of the school, I would like to wish all of our families a very Merry Christmas and a safe, happy New Year. May your holiday season be filled with joy, laughter, and quality time with loved ones. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2025 for another exciting year of learning and growth.
The Uniform Shop will be open on Friday 24 January 2025. Families are also very welcome to drop off book packs to classrooms from 3.00pm – 4.00pm on Friday 24 January 2025. If you are unable to make this time, students can simply bring their pack with them on the first day of school.
A final thanks to our P&C for their investment in our community. The students loved their movie treat this week.
Thank you once again for being such a wonderful community. Have a fantastic break! See you all on Tuesday 28 January 2025!
- Karla Black
2024 Award Recipients
Classes | Academic Effort | Academic Achievement | Academic Progress | Citizenship |
Year 2/3 | Mack | Declan | Rayan | Archer |
| Hunter M | | Cora | Evotia |
Year 3 | Lexi | Isaac | Poppy A | Amethyst-Rose |
| Emily | | Keinai | Alex |
Year 4 | James | Josephine | Okkie | Brylee |
| Amarlee | | Tyler | Billie-Jean |
Year 4/5 | Azyl | Jayden | Lilly | Jamie |
| Elyssa | Owen | Mia | Justin |
Year 5/6 | Addison | Indiana | Will | Bryson |
| Xavier P | Celia | Izzak | Celia |
Year 6 | Amelia | Luis | Ashlee-Jayde | Livian |
| Cohan | | Sun | Jessica |
Special Year 6 Awards
The Arts | Sporting Excellence | Sportsmanship | Japanese | DUX |
Deija | Natalia | Theodore | Livian | Luis |
Student Engagement Teacher
Wow how quickly has this year gone! We have had a very busy few weeks and we still have a few things going on with the School Concert and Year 6 Graduation. All students have been working hard on their concert items with their teachers, and they look amazing. I am sure you will enjoy watching them. I would like to wish our Year 6 students all the best for High School, you will be amazing! I know that you may be feeling lots of emotions, but I'm sure you will all have a wonderful time learning new things and engaging in new experiences.
This may come as a surprise to you all but after much reflection, I have decided to take on an exciting opportunity at Ipswich West Special School next year. I will be focusing on furthering my knowledge and skills in inclusive education and behaviour.
This was not an easy decision, as working alongside such talented and supportive colleagues and students has been a privilege. I am deeply grateful for the collaboration, encouragement, and friendships I have experienced here at Ipswich West; I’ll be just over the fence, so I will be able to wave to the students or see them on the oval.
I will cherish the memories and lessons I’ve gained during my time here and will carry them with me as I take this next step.
Thank you for all your support and making me feel so welcome at Ipswich West State School. I have loved my time here and will miss everyone so much.
I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Christmas and holidays with your families.
- Kellie Hanrahan
In Japan, natural disasters occur frequently. The archipelago is situated along the Ring of Fire, an area where several tectonic plates meet, it is vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Therefore, the Japanese government invests its disaster prevention budget in disaster prevention systems such as earthquake alert systems, emergency facilities, evacuation centres, as well as earthquake-resistant buildings, which are designed to move with the quake. In 2023, Japan experienced six earthquakes of magnitude of five or more.
Participation in natural disaster drills is common and begins in kindergarten. Children in Japan all practise what to do in an earthquake. At public elementary schools in Japan, earthquake drills are regularly held. If an earthquake strikes while they're in a classroom, children learn to get under their desks, headfirst, and to hold on to the legs of the desk until the quake is over. After that the teacher leads them out of the building and calls the roll to make sure everybody is there and safe. If a quake hits when the children are in the schoolyard, they are taught to gather in the middle, away from the school building. Students also have a quilted head covering which they put over their head to protect them from debris.
Below is a table of some of the natural disasters which occur in Japan written in English, kanji, hiragana and what other type of writing?
Tell Miss Collins the answer for a special prize.
- Tamasine Collins
Instrumental Music
2025 Expression of Interest
Last week, forms for expression of interest for Instrumental Music were distributed to interested students (2025 - Year 4 to Year 6). These forms are required to be returned to the office as soon as possible, as it is essential to finalise numbers for 2025.
Thank you for your assistance.
- Nathan Schilling
Medication at School
Just a friendly reminder that all medication must be collected from the office, by a Parent/Carer on or before the last day of the school year (Friday 13 December 2024).
2025 Medication Forms were sent home this week. Please complete and return on the first day of school (Tuesday 28 January 2025) with your child’s medication. A separate form is required for each different medication.
All medication we receive must:
- Be delivered to the school by a parent or carer (must be over 18)
- Be supplied in the original pharmacy container with a valid clear pharmacy label
- State your child’s full name
- State the doctor’s name
- State the exact dosage to be administered (eg 1 x 10mg tablet at 11.40am) as per medical practitioner’s instructions
- Be supplied in original form - ½ tablets preferred in a Webster/Blister pack. If this is not possible, please provide a pill cutter. Please do not provide cut medication
- Be in date - please remember to check expiry dates
- The above requirements are also applicable to any changes in medication, top up of supply etc.
The Department of Education’s Medication Policy states we are unable to administer medication, if the above requirements have not been met.
All ‘As Required’ medication (eg Ventolin, EpiPen, Antihistamine, Paracetamol etc) will require an Action Plan and/or further information from your doctor.
If your child’s medication/medical condition is no longer applicable, please advise us as soon as possible.
Thank you for assisting us in supporting your child’s health needs.
Lost and Found
There are many items that have been placed in lost property. Please ask your child to check the lost and found. Any items that are left on the last day of school, will be donated to good will.
Christmas Raffle
I would like to say a huge congratulations to all our winner and thank you so much for supporting our P&C
Place | Name |
1 | Jason H |
2 | Elyse B |
3 | Christine T |
4 | Jason H |
5 | Sue R |
We made a total of $820.00 subject to change, when fees have been removed.
Future Fundraising
We have just recently purchased a square terminal, which will make future fund-raiser easier for all families.
2025 Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop will have special opening hours for 2025 open Friday 24 January at 9.30am - 3.30pm.
Thank you
We would like to thank the amazing families and community for their support throughout the year. To celebrate we provided free snacks for every child on their movie day. The students enthusiastically during their fun morning enjoyed their special treats.
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is Monday 17 Feb 2025 3.15pm in the Library.
Annual General Meeting
Our AGM will be on Monday 24 Feb 2025 3.15pm in the Library.
Second Hand Clothing
We are hoping to start a Second Hand clothing store. Could be kindly ask families to donate no longer required uniforms to assist those in need. Your donations are much appreciated.
- Ipswich West P&C
Student Wellbeing Worker
We made it through another amazing year, and I look forward to another big year ahead. Thank you to the families I have engaged with and supported this yea. Wishing all of you a happy holiday and safe start to 2025.
Christmas Food and Gift Support
Christmas is meant to be a time of celebration and joy, but if finances are tight, it can be challenging, stressful and isolating. Your local Salvation Army centre and churches may be able to support you with food, toys, gifts and vouchers. We want to help you and help you believe in good for Christmas and for the year ahead.
Christmas hampers – Ipswich Assist
Every December, they launch their annual Christmas Hamper Appeal. This initiative provides clients with a hamper of food, toiletries, holiday treats and gifts. In order for clients to be eligible for one of these hampers, they must be an existing client of Ipswich Assist, who has attended an appointment through their emergency relief program at some point throughout the year. On average, they distribute around 100 - 200 hampers to families in need every Christmas.
Low Cost Food Parcels
Foodbank Qld - Loaves & Fishes Street Meet Care Service, NEWTOWN
Material aid in the form of low-cost food items is available for members of the community. Food parcels contain goods up to the value of $250 and may include fruit & vegetables, meat, milk & dairy products, eggs, breakfast foods, bread, pastries & sweets, pasta & rice, canned goods, lunch snacks and juice & drinks.
Cost: Low cost Monday – Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm
Phone: (07) 4632 6941 Address: 106 Hill Street, NEWTOWN 4305 QLD
Ipswich Christmas and New Year Events
Ipswich has once again, gone above and beyond to spoil our community with some wonderful festive events. Follow the link for all the details:
Ipswich Council Environment Matters – Free calendar
Featuring stunning images of Ipswich's flora and fauna, and the work of several talented local photographers, the annual calendar is a wonderful way to celebrate 2025. Limited copies of the free calendar are available.
STAR Community Charity
Thank you to our wonderful school community for donating small gifts and food for our end of year charity and a big thank you to the Year 4/5 students who designed and made cushions with Mrs. Hicks.
24/7 crisis services
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
MensLine Australia 1300 789 978
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
1800 Respect 1800 737 732
13 YARN - 13 92 76 - for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Mental health access line
1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255) is a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders.
1300 MH CALL is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will link to the caller’s nearest Queensland Public Mental Health service.
- Carlotta Graham